Winter Blues

As the frost settles in and the days get shorter, have you ever found yourself caught in the notorious "winter blues"? That feeling when the chill outside seems to seep into your bones and your mood takes a bit of a nosedive? It can be even more noticeable when you are grieving.

First off, it's completely normal to feel a little off during the winter months. The colder weather and reduced daylight can mess with our serotonin levels (neurotransmitter that effects mood). The lack of sunshine can cause serotonin to nosedive . So on top of the sadness you are feeling from your grief you may also be experiencing a double dose because of the weather.

The thing about the winter blues and grief is that they can team up and make everyday life feel like an uphill climb. It's okay to feel that weight, to acknowledge it, and to give yourself permission to navigate through it in your own time. There's no manual for this stuff. Sometimes, it's about taking it one day at a time, finding solace in little moments, and reaching out to friends or professionals when you need that extra support. Here are some ideas on how to get through it.

Let There Be Light

  • Brighten up your space! Open those curtains wide during the day to let in as much natural light as possible.

  • Ever considered a light therapy lamp? They mimic sunlight and can work wonders on your mood.

Move That Body

  • Get those endorphins flowing with some indoor exercise. Pop on some tunes and move your body or try a home workout routine.

  • Bundle up and take a brisk walk outside. Trust me, the crisp air can be oddly invigorating.

Hygge It Up

  • Embrace the Danish concept of "hygge" (pronounced hoo-gah). It's all about coziness and contentment. Think warm blankets, fuzzy socks, candles, and hot drinks. Create your own little sanctuary.

Connect and Create

  • Don't hibernate! Schedule virtual hangouts or cozy gatherings with friends and family. Social connections are like a warm hug for your soul.

  • Engage in hobbies that spark joy. Whether it's painting, baking, writing, or knitting, let your creative side shine.

Mindfulness and Me-Time

  • Practice mindfulness or meditation. Taking a few moments each day to breathe and relax can work wonders.

  • Treat yourself! Take a bubble bath, indulge in your favorite book, or binge-watch a show guilt-free.

Remember, winter is just a season, and like all seasons, it will change. But while it's here, show yourself some kindness.


A New Year’s Resolution for Grievers


Coping with Grief during the Holidays