Grief is like a Snowflake

Grief is like a snowflake,

Drifting softly from the sky

Each one unique, a delicate ache,

Settling gently, a burden, a deep sigh.

Each flake falls with its own story,

A silent plea, A whisper of sorrow

Blanketing the heart in icy glory,

Painting the world in shades of tomorrow.

Some flakes dance in the wintry air,

Twirling, swirling, a graceful flight,

While others cling, heavy with despair,

Weighted by the absence of light.

Grief, like snowflakes, blankets the soul,

Layer upon layer, it accumulates,

Yet, in time, it thaws, makes us whole,

Melting away, as healing circulates.

Each flake, though when encountered is brief,

Leaves traces of its intricate design,

So does grief,

In the resilience that is left behind.

Grief is like a snowflake, fleeting and pure,

Both fragile and robust, insubstantial and defined

But just as snow melts and hearts mend,

Hope emerges, thawing frozen time.

Snow day activity

Snowflake Grief Activity

Sometimes it is helpful to visualize grief. Think of a snowflake as representation of your grief journey, It is unique, sometimes coming one flake at a time, sometimes coming down like a blizzard. Think about the journey one snowflake takes, how it might grow or shrink. And eventually as snowflakes do eventually melt and change from a solid to liquid much like our grief changes over time.

Take a piece of construction paper and design snowflakes. Write your emotions and fears on the edges (or use colors to represent them). Fill in the center with a color that represents hope.


Grief Wish List


Poem: The Candle