Welcome Fellow Griever

When we grieve it is often seen as pathological unfortunately. People think we are depressed or stuck in the past, or have some kind of clinical diagnosis. Within just a month or two of grieving, our friends and family witness our tears and our need to continue to share our struggles, however, many of us are met with a blank stare as they grasp for ways to help us cope. Those around us are well meaning but what they fail to understand is whether it is 3 months, 6 months, a year, two years… this grief is here to stay. It is forever. In fact, the balm that soothes our broken heart is to share about our loss with someone who is open to listening.

While we try to put the pieces of our heart back together, the pieces don’t quite fit the same. When we think we have it all figured out we trip over as a wave of grief crashes down on us. And yet we pick ourselves back up, try to get back in a routine and we fall and get back again and again and again. But when we share this grief, when we find ways to let it out, ways to remember, and cherish our person something else happens. We find solace along the way. Please use this site as a way to find solace on your grief journey. Know that a whole community of grievers is here every step of the way. No one who can understand that this is a life long journey like another griever can. Welcome.

Franken Bear: a grief story

Franken Bear: a grief story

A new book has been released!

Franken Bear follows Naomi, a young girl dealing with the loss of her mother. Naomi's dad, struggling with his own grief is having a hard time connecting with his daughter. One night, Naomi encounters an creepy teddy bear in her room, patched together with worn-out fabric. If she did not know any better she would say the bear is alive. But after trying to get rid of the bear, it keeps coming back! Franken Bear is a heartwarming tale of loss, resilience, and demonstrates how family and cherished memories can bring healing and solace.

Resilience Center of the Ozarks